At 5 weeks pregnant, the level of hCG is high enough to detect that you are pregnant. Once you have the positive reports in hand, it’s time to know more about your changing body and the growing baby so that you can take steps for a healthy pregnancy ahead.

Motherhood is a beautiful feeling and the first time you come to know that you are expecting is a moment so precious in your life. Pregnancy is the most amazing and significantly life altering events and the coming nine months is the period when you will undergo various changes both physically and emotionally. So now that you are aware of your pregnancy and its almost 5 weeks, it’s time to know how big your baby is and how your body is changing. In this article we will discuss some of the pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks so that you can know more about the changes and can easily handle them.

Your body changes and common symptoms:

Pregnancy brings with it the most breathtaking thing that you have ever experienced, and with it also comes a feeling and symptoms that are raging out of control. With the increased hormone levels, you may experience some common pregnancy symptoms at week 5 that most women experience. Mood swings are very common during this period and it is better that you get used to them as it will stay around for the coming nine months or so.

You may also experience tender breasts and the urge to go the washroom often. It is also common to get more headaches in the first trimester and this is basically during the hormonal changes in your body. Large amounts of hormones circulate in your body – estrogen to maintain the levels of HCG and progesterone. You may at times have nausea, though it is common to show in the coming weeks. Would be mums may experience some degree of nausea during this time and you may also feel tired and unable to do anything at the end of the day.

You may feel bloated though your abdomen won’t rise till 14 weeks and nobody will be able to tell that you are pregnant. Another common symptom during this period is that you may have a craving or dislike for certain foods.

The changing baby:

By week 5, your baby will be growing rapidly and during this time it looks like a tadpole and is about the size of an orange seed. The baby’s vital organs are growing, the central nervous system, heart, bones and the muscles are also forming fast. The skeleton has started to take shape and the baby’s heart is developing and the four chambers start to separate and pump blood. An ultrasound during this period will be able to pick up the baby’s heartbeat. The neural tube that forms the brain and the spinal cord begins to develop. And the placenta and umbilical cord also develop through which the baby receives nourishment. The eyes, nose, ears, fingers, toes and mouth also begin to show.

Things you should follow:

This is the time when you should have plenty of vitamin C as your baby’s cells are growing fast and fruits like oranges, blackcurrants and kiwi fruits and great sources. You should also take vitamin D and folic acid and avoid smoking and alcohol throughout your pregnancy. You can also start an exercise routine as it helps to strengthen your muscles and help to manage the extra weight that you would be carrying.

5 Weeks Pregnant: Know About the Symptoms and the Changes in Your Body
5 Weeks Pregnant: Know About the Symptoms and the Changes in Your Body
5 Weeks Pregnant: Know About the Symptoms and the Changes in Your Body

5 Weeks Pregnant: Know About the Symptoms and the Changes in Your Body

At 5 weeks pregnant, the level of hCG is high enough to detect that you are pregnant. Once you have the positive reports in hand, it’s time to know more about your changing body and the growing baby so that you can take steps for a healthy pregnancy ahead.

Motherhood is a beautiful feeling and the first time you come to know that you are expecting is a moment so precious in your life. Pregnancy is the most amazing and significantly life altering events and the coming nine months is the period when you will undergo various changes both physically and emotionally. So now that you are aware of your pregnancy and its almost 5 weeks, it’s time to know how big your baby is and how your body is changing. In this article we will discuss some of the pregnancy symptoms at 5 weeks so that you can know more about the changes and can easily handle them.

Your body changes and common symptoms:

Pregnancy brings with it the most breathtaking thing that you have ever experienced, and with it also comes a feeling and symptoms that are raging out of control. With the increased hormone levels, you may experience some common pregnancy symptoms at week 5 that most women experience. Mood swings are very common during this period and it is better that you get used to them as it will stay around for the coming nine months or so.

You may also experience tender breasts and the urge to go the washroom often. It is also common to get more headaches in the first trimester and this is basically during the hormonal changes in your body. Large amounts of hormones circulate in your body – estrogen to maintain the levels of HCG and progesterone. You may at times have nausea, though it is common to show in the coming weeks. Would be mums may experience some degree of nausea during this time and you may also feel tired and unable to do anything at the end of the day.

You may feel bloated though your abdomen won’t rise till 14 weeks and nobody will be able to tell that you are pregnant. Another common symptom during this period is that you may have a craving or dislike for certain foods.

The changing baby:

By week 5, your baby will be growing rapidly and during this time it looks like a tadpole and is about the size of an orange seed. The baby’s vital organs are growing, the central nervous system, heart, bones and the muscles are also forming fast. The skeleton has started to take shape and the baby’s heart is developing and the four chambers start to separate and pump blood. An ultrasound during this period will be able to pick up the baby’s heartbeat. The neural tube that forms the brain and the spinal cord begins to develop. And the placenta and umbilical cord also develop through which the baby receives nourishment. The eyes, nose, ears, fingers, toes and mouth also begin to show.

Things you should follow:

This is the time when you should have plenty of vitamin C as your baby’s cells are growing fast and fruits like oranges, blackcurrants and kiwi fruits and great sources. You should also take vitamin D and folic acid and avoid smoking and alcohol throughout your pregnancy. You can also start an exercise routine as it helps to strengthen your muscles and help to manage the extra weight that you would be carrying.

5 Weeks Pregnant: Know About the Symptoms and the Changes in Your Body
5 Weeks Pregnant: Know About the Symptoms and the Changes in Your Body
5 Weeks Pregnant: Know About the Symptoms and the Changes in Your Body

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