Why do women love drama?
The answer is quite easy. Women CREATE drama simply to put men to the test. Women are attention-seekers in constant need of reassurance and affirmation that someone cares for them and wants to protect them. There is a correlation between the amount of drama a woman creates and the success of a relationship, based on these factors. The less women believe they are being cared for and protected, the more drama they create. In the realm of courtship and intimate relationships, women CONSTANTLY put men to the test with the use of comments, complaints, and DRAMA. Drama is employed by women to put people, often men, on the spot, by exploiting their emotional strengths and weaknesses to the breaking point. Women quickly judge how well men handle drama; this is when they determine how much patience, courage, will, passion, and other important characteristics are present or absent in a man.

Why are men so oblivious to this? There are two main reasons. First, it is all played out subconsciously, and second, we have been socially programmed through media, pop culture, and belief systems to become totally unaware of this fact. For women, drama separates the boys from the men. Some of us rise to the occasion, while others are clearly not up to the challenge and wither away like an undesirable species. In relationships, the more a man passes a woman's test, the more control and intimacy they achieve with their partner. Women want men who are in control of themselves, yet slightly out of control; a confident, independent individual who excels in different arenas of life. This is because women ultimately "surrender" themselves, to a certain extent, to a man who they believe to be "the one".
Here are some examples of how women employ drama, along with I.Q. test questions and comments:
"So, where are you taking me?" wants sense of mystery/romance created for her
"Can you do this for me...pleaseeeeee?" test of a man's integrity
"This place sucks!"
"I want this (clothing/food)." anything impulsive
"I am annoyed." any extreme emotion
"Those people are bothering me."
"I have a lot of guy friends." testing waters of jealousy, insecurity
"All girls are bitches...I don't have many female friends." same as above, but w/hint of autonomy
"Why are you looking at her?!" test of loyalty through use of overt jealousy
"This guy asked me out. He told me I'm hot/cute." testing waters of jealousy, insecurity
"Me and my girls are having a girls night out." employing sense of mystery
"I am going here instead." sense of mystery w/ display of independence
"Leave me alone!" "I want to talk about something with you." Or, "Leave me alone."
"I don't play games." "I play games CONSTANTLY."
"I'm not worried about guys...just focused on school/work." diversions that are props or "fronts"
All these techniques are a women's way of testing men to see if the man is jealous, insecure, overly-nice, manipulative, self-serving, spineless, or basically, worth their trouble. To a woman, the most UNATTRACTIVE thing in the world is INSECURITY in men. Why do you think nice guy's finish last? Because being nice, usually means, but not always, being insecure in one way or another. Women constantly test men's security. Since they already know they can seduce us with their bodies, they need not try this as a test, unless you passed all the others. Women are only attracted to men whom they seek intimacy with, men who are stern and in control of themselves, yet not jealous or controlling. It makes us irresistible.
Woman: "So, where are you taking me?"
Failed Answer: "Where do you want to go?"
Passed Answer: "It's a surprise."
Super-Seduction Pass: "Don't worry, you're going to LOVE it, and if you don't....too bad..."
Woman: "I want this (clothing/food)."
Failed Answer: "Anything you want." Or, "You're so demanding!"
Passed Answer: "Not now, but maybe later." Or, "So take some initiative and go get it."
Super-Seduction Pass: "Hey, nothing's for free in this world...what's in it for ME?"
Do you see the difference? The failed answers are either submissive or insecure responses. The normal passed answers are alright, but not necessarily good for creating attraction, ambiguity or indifference, all of which keep women interested (at least to the point where they will create more tests and drama). The super-seduction pass answers let the woman know you are in control, and if she wants something, she can give in to you. It creates mystery and tension, which, when used together, are VERY powerful and seductive tools.
The bottom line is, when it comes to dealing with a woman's drama, recognize it, and act accordingly- that is, be a MAN, not MANHANDLED. And never take a woman's words TOO seriously; they change their minds more often than baby's change diapers (never mind that analogy, what the hell do guys know about BABIES???).
Entre el Si Y el No de la mujer, No me atrevaria yo a poner una punta de afiler. (Between a woman's "Yes"nd "No", There is not room for a pin to go.) - Cervantes, Don Quixote
-written by Luigi Di Serio, edited by Aaron S. Bayley

Analyzing The Drama Queen And A Woman

Analyzing The Drama Queen And A Woman

Analyzing The Drama Queen And A Woman

Analyzing The Drama Queen And A Woman's I.Q. Test

Why do women love drama?
The answer is quite easy. Women CREATE drama simply to put men to the test. Women are attention-seekers in constant need of reassurance and affirmation that someone cares for them and wants to protect them. There is a correlation between the amount of drama a woman creates and the success of a relationship, based on these factors. The less women believe they are being cared for and protected, the more drama they create. In the realm of courtship and intimate relationships, women CONSTANTLY put men to the test with the use of comments, complaints, and DRAMA. Drama is employed by women to put people, often men, on the spot, by exploiting their emotional strengths and weaknesses to the breaking point. Women quickly judge how well men handle drama; this is when they determine how much patience, courage, will, passion, and other important characteristics are present or absent in a man.

Why are men so oblivious to this? There are two main reasons. First, it is all played out subconsciously, and second, we have been socially programmed through media, pop culture, and belief systems to become totally unaware of this fact. For women, drama separates the boys from the men. Some of us rise to the occasion, while others are clearly not up to the challenge and wither away like an undesirable species. In relationships, the more a man passes a woman's test, the more control and intimacy they achieve with their partner. Women want men who are in control of themselves, yet slightly out of control; a confident, independent individual who excels in different arenas of life. This is because women ultimately "surrender" themselves, to a certain extent, to a man who they believe to be "the one".
Here are some examples of how women employ drama, along with I.Q. test questions and comments:
"So, where are you taking me?" wants sense of mystery/romance created for her
"Can you do this for me...pleaseeeeee?" test of a man's integrity
"This place sucks!"
"I want this (clothing/food)." anything impulsive
"I am annoyed." any extreme emotion
"Those people are bothering me."
"I have a lot of guy friends." testing waters of jealousy, insecurity
"All girls are bitches...I don't have many female friends." same as above, but w/hint of autonomy
"Why are you looking at her?!" test of loyalty through use of overt jealousy
"This guy asked me out. He told me I'm hot/cute." testing waters of jealousy, insecurity
"Me and my girls are having a girls night out." employing sense of mystery
"I am going here instead." sense of mystery w/ display of independence
"Leave me alone!" "I want to talk about something with you." Or, "Leave me alone."
"I don't play games." "I play games CONSTANTLY."
"I'm not worried about guys...just focused on school/work." diversions that are props or "fronts"
All these techniques are a women's way of testing men to see if the man is jealous, insecure, overly-nice, manipulative, self-serving, spineless, or basically, worth their trouble. To a woman, the most UNATTRACTIVE thing in the world is INSECURITY in men. Why do you think nice guy's finish last? Because being nice, usually means, but not always, being insecure in one way or another. Women constantly test men's security. Since they already know they can seduce us with their bodies, they need not try this as a test, unless you passed all the others. Women are only attracted to men whom they seek intimacy with, men who are stern and in control of themselves, yet not jealous or controlling. It makes us irresistible.
Woman: "So, where are you taking me?"
Failed Answer: "Where do you want to go?"
Passed Answer: "It's a surprise."
Super-Seduction Pass: "Don't worry, you're going to LOVE it, and if you don't....too bad..."
Woman: "I want this (clothing/food)."
Failed Answer: "Anything you want." Or, "You're so demanding!"
Passed Answer: "Not now, but maybe later." Or, "So take some initiative and go get it."
Super-Seduction Pass: "Hey, nothing's for free in this world...what's in it for ME?"
Do you see the difference? The failed answers are either submissive or insecure responses. The normal passed answers are alright, but not necessarily good for creating attraction, ambiguity or indifference, all of which keep women interested (at least to the point where they will create more tests and drama). The super-seduction pass answers let the woman know you are in control, and if she wants something, she can give in to you. It creates mystery and tension, which, when used together, are VERY powerful and seductive tools.
The bottom line is, when it comes to dealing with a woman's drama, recognize it, and act accordingly- that is, be a MAN, not MANHANDLED. And never take a woman's words TOO seriously; they change their minds more often than baby's change diapers (never mind that analogy, what the hell do guys know about BABIES???).
Entre el Si Y el No de la mujer, No me atrevaria yo a poner una punta de afiler. (Between a woman's "Yes"nd "No", There is not room for a pin to go.) - Cervantes, Don Quixote
-written by Luigi Di Serio, edited by Aaron S. Bayley

Analyzing The Drama Queen And A Woman

Analyzing The Drama Queen And A Woman

Analyzing The Drama Queen And A Woman

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