A hard to answer question men thinkthey're not only programmed but also must do it, most women justaccept it as their responsibility and there are the feminists whichthink that women shouldn't be the only ones who clean the house.

There really are many opinions but thequestion still remain are women genetically programmed to stay athome and take care for the children and the house? You have no ideawhat I read in some blogs and forums.

If The Woman Is Not Working

A really big fight over somethingreally insignificant, of course it is a lot of work no one can denythis, but really fighting about chores is childish. If a woman staysat home and take care for the children she should also clean thehouse. Not that it would be easy, especially if the children aresmall and their sole purpose is to make a mess. But it isaccomplishable with a lot of effort and some yelling.

If Both Are Working

On the other hand if a woman goes towork every single day, five days in the week than I think it isnatural to share the cleaning chores between the members of thefamily. In this case men don't have any apology 'Im really tiredbecause I go to work' doesn't count any more. And since you're bothgoing to work it is natural that your children are old enough to helpwith the chores as well (if yo have kids of course).

If The Man Is Not Working

The third option is for men to stay athome taking care for the children and doing all the cleaning andcooking while the woman goes to work. But to be honest with you Ican't think of anyone who is in the third case. Unfortunately the oldunderstandings are still present nowadays, unless you have found theright man. I most certainly have, he is wonderful and doesn't thinkhe's superior, treats me like a lady and we do almost everythingtogether.

The Perfect Option

We're both working, therefore we don'thave much time to clean and in fact this is the last thing we want todo when we come home. Instead we order or cook dinner, eat and pal onthe couch watching a film. Of course this doesn't happen every daybecause there are some chore which can't be postponed for the end ofthe week. In these cases we gather the remaining strength and try tofinish with the chore/chores as soon as possible.

As for the weekends, we try to get uprelatively early and with combined efforts we are done with all thecleaning before noon. The dust is removed, the carpets are vacuumed,all the rooms are cleaned including the sink, coffee machine,upholstery and bathtub all you can think about.

Are Women Programmed To Clean?
Are Women Programmed To Clean?
Are Women Programmed To Clean?

Are Women Programmed To Clean?

A hard to answer question men thinkthey're not only programmed but also must do it, most women justaccept it as their responsibility and there are the feminists whichthink that women shouldn't be the only ones who clean the house.

There really are many opinions but thequestion still remain are women genetically programmed to stay athome and take care for the children and the house? You have no ideawhat I read in some blogs and forums.

If The Woman Is Not Working

A really big fight over somethingreally insignificant, of course it is a lot of work no one can denythis, but really fighting about chores is childish. If a woman staysat home and take care for the children she should also clean thehouse. Not that it would be easy, especially if the children aresmall and their sole purpose is to make a mess. But it isaccomplishable with a lot of effort and some yelling.

If Both Are Working

On the other hand if a woman goes towork every single day, five days in the week than I think it isnatural to share the cleaning chores between the members of thefamily. In this case men don't have any apology 'Im really tiredbecause I go to work' doesn't count any more. And since you're bothgoing to work it is natural that your children are old enough to helpwith the chores as well (if yo have kids of course).

If The Man Is Not Working

The third option is for men to stay athome taking care for the children and doing all the cleaning andcooking while the woman goes to work. But to be honest with you Ican't think of anyone who is in the third case. Unfortunately the oldunderstandings are still present nowadays, unless you have found theright man. I most certainly have, he is wonderful and doesn't thinkhe's superior, treats me like a lady and we do almost everythingtogether.

The Perfect Option

We're both working, therefore we don'thave much time to clean and in fact this is the last thing we want todo when we come home. Instead we order or cook dinner, eat and pal onthe couch watching a film. Of course this doesn't happen every daybecause there are some chore which can't be postponed for the end ofthe week. In these cases we gather the remaining strength and try tofinish with the chore/chores as soon as possible.

As for the weekends, we try to get uprelatively early and with combined efforts we are done with all thecleaning before noon. The dust is removed, the carpets are vacuumed,all the rooms are cleaned including the sink, coffee machine,upholstery and bathtub all you can think about.

Are Women Programmed To Clean?
Are Women Programmed To Clean?
Are Women Programmed To Clean?

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