If you plan to have a baby then you must know what is the best time of intercourse for conception and the lifestyle changes you may require to adopt. Your routine habits and untimely sex can be potent...

If you plan to have a baby then you must know what is the best time of intercourse for conception and the lifestyle changes you may require to adopt. Your routine habits and untimely sex can be potential reasons behind your delayed pregnancy. The following getting pregnant tips can help in your time of despair:

No Stress

This should be your motto as well as state of mind for giving the best fertility conditions for conception. Stress not only disturbs your physical and mental well-being, but also interferes with your fertility however; most of the women do not know this. Practice various yogic breathing techniques to relax and reaffirm yourself with positive thoughts shunning negative thinking.

Stay in Bed after Sex

Staying in bed for 15-20 minutes once the sex is over increases your chances of conception. To facilitate direct passage to sperms to the egg, put up their legs in the air or place a pillow below your hips to raise your vagina. There are good success chances of this position and you will never know when your pillow helped you to get pregnant!

Monitor your Menstrual Cycle

Keeping tab on your periods ensure conception. Having intercourse during ovulation is a sure shot way of getting pregnant. Ovulation occurs around 14 days after your last period. To strengthen your chances of conception, figure out your ovulation time or there are test kits available over-the-counter that can help you do so. Another indication of finding out your ovulation period in a month is increased body temperature so measure your temperature daily and mark the days on which you notice a rise.

Restrain from Unhealthy Habits

For conceiving, keep a watch on your caffeine intake. Caffeine consumption slows down the blood supply to the uterus. Excess caffeine intake can result in miscarriage. Similarly, alcohol and smoking decreases your chances of getting pregnant. To ensure conception do away with your smoking and drinking habits or becoming pregnant would become more difficult.

Increasing the intake of Fertility Enhancing Foods

Consume more foods such as beans, garlic, whole grains, cauliflower, nuts, honey, avocado, oysters and green leafy vegetables. Drink adequate amount of water as it aids your cervical fluid move faster for sperms fusion into an egg. For increasing sperm mobility, men should take flaxseed oil supplement.

Give a try these tips and you can expect the arrival of your tiny bundle in a year.

Important Tips on How to Get Pregnant
Important Tips on How to Get Pregnant
Important Tips on How to Get Pregnant

Important Tips on How to Get Pregnant

If you plan to have a baby then you must know what is the best time of intercourse for conception and the lifestyle changes you may require to adopt. Your routine habits and untimely sex can be potent...

If you plan to have a baby then you must know what is the best time of intercourse for conception and the lifestyle changes you may require to adopt. Your routine habits and untimely sex can be potential reasons behind your delayed pregnancy. The following getting pregnant tips can help in your time of despair:

No Stress

This should be your motto as well as state of mind for giving the best fertility conditions for conception. Stress not only disturbs your physical and mental well-being, but also interferes with your fertility however; most of the women do not know this. Practice various yogic breathing techniques to relax and reaffirm yourself with positive thoughts shunning negative thinking.

Stay in Bed after Sex

Staying in bed for 15-20 minutes once the sex is over increases your chances of conception. To facilitate direct passage to sperms to the egg, put up their legs in the air or place a pillow below your hips to raise your vagina. There are good success chances of this position and you will never know when your pillow helped you to get pregnant!

Monitor your Menstrual Cycle

Keeping tab on your periods ensure conception. Having intercourse during ovulation is a sure shot way of getting pregnant. Ovulation occurs around 14 days after your last period. To strengthen your chances of conception, figure out your ovulation time or there are test kits available over-the-counter that can help you do so. Another indication of finding out your ovulation period in a month is increased body temperature so measure your temperature daily and mark the days on which you notice a rise.

Restrain from Unhealthy Habits

For conceiving, keep a watch on your caffeine intake. Caffeine consumption slows down the blood supply to the uterus. Excess caffeine intake can result in miscarriage. Similarly, alcohol and smoking decreases your chances of getting pregnant. To ensure conception do away with your smoking and drinking habits or becoming pregnant would become more difficult.

Increasing the intake of Fertility Enhancing Foods

Consume more foods such as beans, garlic, whole grains, cauliflower, nuts, honey, avocado, oysters and green leafy vegetables. Drink adequate amount of water as it aids your cervical fluid move faster for sperms fusion into an egg. For increasing sperm mobility, men should take flaxseed oil supplement.

Give a try these tips and you can expect the arrival of your tiny bundle in a year.

Important Tips on How to Get Pregnant
Important Tips on How to Get Pregnant
Important Tips on How to Get Pregnant

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