Causes of Women Low Libido - Diminished Sex Desire in Female

Libido in women has caused untold suffering and many are quietly killing themselves afraid to be noticed. Read this article to know causes of low libido in women.

Causes of low libido in women are quite substantial and may start early. In many circumstances; as compared to men, women go through very many complications in their lifecycle as they grow and from this cycle, more items are quite visible than in the case of men.

Menopause - a time in the life of a woman when the menstrual cycle stops - affects the two main hormones that bring about this urge - progesterone and estrogen. During this time a woman takes long to be aroused and the measure even when aroused is lower than before. The ovaries, the source of estrogen starts suspending production leading to dryness of the vulva. This vulva reaction to the change means more action has to be done before penetration. Sometimes it may be painful and uncomfortable requiring the use of lubricants.

Pregnancy is a normal condition that results in massive hormonal change so as to contain the growing young. The entire body is disturbed resulting in temporary loss of sex drive. In other cases sexual desire fluctuates, rising a little bit for a few months. The fear of hurting the baby in other cases too brings about this unwelcome sign of dont touch me until the baby is born. The first trimester especially is tough for many. No intercourse at all is entertained. In the final trimester, the abdomen is large and intercourse is completely awkward unless other positions are tried; therefore desire is very low.

Illness of any kind is detrimental and puts off a couple of other desires. Moods change completely whether it is a mild cold or not; a woman is physically out of form meaning even to think about intercourse is out of the question. Hormonal imbalance alone is a serious disease that requires medication and it has been known to cause havoc a lot in women. Chronic ailments like diabetes, cancer, arthritis, kidney attacks, epilepsy and many others cause discomfort a great deal. Cancer resulting in loss of organs e.g. breast or uterus sucks off self esteem and loss of femininity in most cases with disastrous results. Arthritis makes all joints hot and painful; any imagined posture for sexual play is greatly resisted because of injury; movement is hampered completely; often signals that arouse intercourse are tempered with. Diabetes interferes with vulva portability bringing about rigidity during the act.

Obesity brings about loss of shape and often this is a woman's number one enemy because it takes away her flexibility. Sexual desirability often is psychological and shape is a major contributor. A woman feels less attractive and may in the process avoid any intimate contacts. Sexual interest takes off instantly as a result. In cases of underweight women the scenario is the same. Overly thin women whether caused by disease or not have been known to lose sex drive completely.

Psychological factors make a full page in women. Stress, fear and anxiety alone stand out very clear resulting in the switching off of anything to do with intercourse. The family, children, finance matters, daily chores etc overwhelm all women. Performance in bed often causes anxiety on whether the partner will be satisfied; and this ends up causing harm. Medical treatment of all these factors has been known to interfere with sexual drive in the long run. The byproduct of stress is depression; exacerbated by treatment, libido automatically weans off to a very low level.

The absence of openness towards one another in a relationship is harmful directly and often brings about loss of libido. Practice makes perfect; hidden sexual desires are counter productive to libido generation. What pleases your partner must come out; responsiveness and appreciation counts and lack of all these means low drive and finally libido will get diminished.
Causes of Women Low Libido - Diminished Sex Desire in Female
Causes of Women Low Libido - Diminished Sex Desire in Female
Causes of Women Low Libido - Diminished Sex Desire in Female

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