Most people know that drinking and smoking duringa pregnancy can be seriously harmful to a baby. We watch televisionshows that depict pregnant women in the 1960's smoking cigarettes anddrink...

Most people know that drinking and smoking duringa pregnancy can be seriously harmful to a baby. We watch televisionshows that depict pregnant women in the 1960's smoking cigarettes anddrinking scotch, and we are nothing short of horrified. Did you know,though, that alcohol and tobacco could have detrimental effects onfemale fertility? Did you also know that sperm produced by men whodrink and smoke could affect rates of conception? If this is news toyou, keep reading. Alcohol and tobacco consumption could be the reasonwhy you are having difficulty getting pregnant.

Reason You Should Quit #1 - Alcohol decreases sex drive in both men and women.
While alcohol can decrease inhibitions, it ultimately does not helpthings out in the bedroom. Alcohol, even consumed at moderate levels,will lower sex drive in both men and women. Not having intercourse willnot lead to pregnancy; so both of you need to stay away from the bottlewhen trying to get pregnant.

Reason You Should Quit #2 - Alcohol causes hormonal imbalances in both men and women.
For women, alcohol can alter hormones so that ovulation does notoccur when it should. If you've predicted an ovulation date and thenyou drink a few glasses of wine, you may be inadvertently delaying therelease of your egg. Additionally, large amounts of alcohol can makemenstrual cycles stop all together. For men, studies show that evenmoderate use of alcohol can decrease fertility, as men who use alcoholhave lower sperm counts than men who abstain.

Reason You Should Quit #3 - Alcohol can decrease sperm viability.
Alcohol has also been shown to slow sperm down, making it lesslikely for a viable sperm to reach an egg for fertilization.Additionally, alcohol can produces malformed sperm, which will alsoaffect its ability to fertilize and egg.

Reason You Should Quit #4 - Alcohol can cause a miscarriage.
Miscarriage early in the pregnancy can be caused by many factors.However, if a woman does not know that she did conceive and consumesalcohol, she could very well miscarry the baby.

Reason You Should Quit #5 - Tobacco can cause an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
As with alcohol, tobacco use by women when they don't know they arepregnant can cause a miscarriage. Studies have also shown that birthmothers using tobacco soon after conception are more prone to ectopicpregnancies.

Reason You Should Quit #6 - Tobacco can cause impotence.
Medical professionals have conducted research that shows that menwho use tobacco have a higher incidence of impotence. Impotence doesnot allow sperm to be released so that an egg can be fertilized when awoman is ovulating. Impotence is not a condition that is conducive togetting pregnant.

Reason You Should Quit #7 - Tobacco can cause damage to sperm.
As with alcohol, tobacco has been shown to damage sperm. Men whosmoke or use chewing tobacco have a higher rate of slow moving andmalformed sperm. Sperm not working at their highest potential are goingto have a hard time getting to an egg, and you will have a harder timeconceiving.

Still not convinced you should quit alcohol andtobacco? Think of quitting as practicing being a parent. Parentinginvolves a tremendous amount of sacrifice and giving up of self. Youcan begin sacrificing for you baby now by stopping alcohol and tobaccoconsumption before you even try to get pregnant. Someday, your childwill thank you.

Article Tags: Should Quit

Getting Pregnant Tips - 7 Facts Why Alcohol and Smoking Can Decrease Your Fertility
Getting Pregnant Tips - 7 Facts Why Alcohol and Smoking Can Decrease Your Fertility
Getting Pregnant Tips - 7 Facts Why Alcohol and Smoking Can Decrease Your Fertility

Getting Pregnant Tips - 7 Facts Why Alcohol and Smoking Can Decrease Your Fertility

Most people know that drinking and smoking duringa pregnancy can be seriously harmful to a baby. We watch televisionshows that depict pregnant women in the 1960's smoking cigarettes anddrink...

Most people know that drinking and smoking duringa pregnancy can be seriously harmful to a baby. We watch televisionshows that depict pregnant women in the 1960's smoking cigarettes anddrinking scotch, and we are nothing short of horrified. Did you know,though, that alcohol and tobacco could have detrimental effects onfemale fertility? Did you also know that sperm produced by men whodrink and smoke could affect rates of conception? If this is news toyou, keep reading. Alcohol and tobacco consumption could be the reasonwhy you are having difficulty getting pregnant.

Reason You Should Quit #1 - Alcohol decreases sex drive in both men and women.
While alcohol can decrease inhibitions, it ultimately does not helpthings out in the bedroom. Alcohol, even consumed at moderate levels,will lower sex drive in both men and women. Not having intercourse willnot lead to pregnancy; so both of you need to stay away from the bottlewhen trying to get pregnant.

Reason You Should Quit #2 - Alcohol causes hormonal imbalances in both men and women.
For women, alcohol can alter hormones so that ovulation does notoccur when it should. If you've predicted an ovulation date and thenyou drink a few glasses of wine, you may be inadvertently delaying therelease of your egg. Additionally, large amounts of alcohol can makemenstrual cycles stop all together. For men, studies show that evenmoderate use of alcohol can decrease fertility, as men who use alcoholhave lower sperm counts than men who abstain.

Reason You Should Quit #3 - Alcohol can decrease sperm viability.
Alcohol has also been shown to slow sperm down, making it lesslikely for a viable sperm to reach an egg for fertilization.Additionally, alcohol can produces malformed sperm, which will alsoaffect its ability to fertilize and egg.

Reason You Should Quit #4 - Alcohol can cause a miscarriage.
Miscarriage early in the pregnancy can be caused by many factors.However, if a woman does not know that she did conceive and consumesalcohol, she could very well miscarry the baby.

Reason You Should Quit #5 - Tobacco can cause an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
As with alcohol, tobacco use by women when they don't know they arepregnant can cause a miscarriage. Studies have also shown that birthmothers using tobacco soon after conception are more prone to ectopicpregnancies.

Reason You Should Quit #6 - Tobacco can cause impotence.
Medical professionals have conducted research that shows that menwho use tobacco have a higher incidence of impotence. Impotence doesnot allow sperm to be released so that an egg can be fertilized when awoman is ovulating. Impotence is not a condition that is conducive togetting pregnant.

Reason You Should Quit #7 - Tobacco can cause damage to sperm.
As with alcohol, tobacco has been shown to damage sperm. Men whosmoke or use chewing tobacco have a higher rate of slow moving andmalformed sperm. Sperm not working at their highest potential are goingto have a hard time getting to an egg, and you will have a harder timeconceiving.

Still not convinced you should quit alcohol andtobacco? Think of quitting as practicing being a parent. Parentinginvolves a tremendous amount of sacrifice and giving up of self. Youcan begin sacrificing for you baby now by stopping alcohol and tobaccoconsumption before you even try to get pregnant. Someday, your childwill thank you.

Article Tags: Should Quit

Getting Pregnant Tips - 7 Facts Why Alcohol and Smoking Can Decrease Your Fertility
Getting Pregnant Tips - 7 Facts Why Alcohol and Smoking Can Decrease Your Fertility
Getting Pregnant Tips - 7 Facts Why Alcohol and Smoking Can Decrease Your Fertility

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