Learn how daily contraception helps

Mostwomen prefer using daily contraception in order to prevent themselvesfrom getting pregnant. The contraceptive pills can either becombination pills or mini pills. Yasmin is one of the most popularcombination pills. Read further to learn more about Yasmin as well asCerazette and Micronor.

With the changing trends and the way men and women live in their relationships, contraceptions play an important role. People often change their sex partners or get succumbed to a moment, which can result in unplanned pregnancy. Until recently, the most common contraception method used by men was condoms, which not only prevents pregnancy, but also gives you protection against sexually transmitted infections. But in case of contraceptive accidents such as a condom tear or slip, the risk for a woman becoming pregnant increases. Because of such accidents, most couples prefer using daily contraception, that come in the form of oral contraceptive pill to be taken by women. On using these pills, couples can also stop using condoms as a precautionary measure against pregnancy.

Oral contraceptive pills can either be combination pills, commonly known as 'the pill', or the mini pills. Both these types of pills consist of artificial female hormones which help in the prevention of pregnancy. One of the most popular combination pills that is widely used by women is Yasmin. It has been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and is a low dosage pill. Being a low dosage pill, it reduces the risk of you suffering from the potential side effects of this pill. Yasmin, unlike other contraceptive pills, also reduces the risk of weight gain that many women experience as a side effect. You can get immediate protection against pregnancy if you take the pill on the very first day of your periods. You are required to take the pill for 21 days of your menstrual cycle, with a break of 7 days in between.

Yasmin contains ethinylestradiol (an artificial oestrogen) and drospirenone (an artificial progestogen) as its active ingredients. Cerazetteis a type of mini pill, which consists of desogestrel (an artificial progestogen) as its active ingredient. This pill gives you protection against pregnancy by preventing ovulation from occurring, altering the womb lining to prevent an egg from growing and thickening the cervical mucus to prevent a sperm from entering your womb. You are required to take this pill for all 28 days of your menstrual cycle, without any breaks in between. Of the 28 Cerazette pills, 21 pills are the active pills while the rest 7 pills are hormone free or inactive pills. When you are taking these inactive pills, you are likely to have your periods.

Cerazette can cause certain side effects that include mood changes, headaches, nausea, low libido, acne, breast pain, weight gain and irregularity in periods or no periods. Micronoris another mini pill, that is widely used by women and a daily contraception. This pill consists of norethisterone (an artificial progestogen) as its active ingredient, and is as effective as 'the pill'. Women who are allergic to oestrogen prefer using pills such as Micronor. This pill has been proven to be almost 100% in preventing a woman from getting pregnant. This pill works by thickening the cervical mucus in order to prevent a sperm from entering your womb and fertilizing an egg. It also alters the womb lining, so that even if an egg does get fertilised, it cannot attach itself with the womb and grow further.

Learn how daily contraception helps
Learn how daily contraception helps
Learn how daily contraception helps

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