Men love beautiful women of all sizes and shapes, ladies please don't play with your life and health with Anorexia or Bulimia...Elvis Preston King... the man who loves women more than any man on earth.
Many women are concerned with their looks. Too many of them are caught up with the image of being skinny and pretty like the skinny models they see in the media. By seeing all these beautiful, thin women they may feel insecure about the way they look. Therefore, they try and do anything they can to acquire that look. Methods they use to try and achieve this are by self-starvation, known as Anorexia, or induced vomiting, known as Bulimia. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are only two of the eating disorders that often result from their incessant desire to be thin and beautiful. But they are the two biggest killers and destroyers of beautiful normal to big women.
Beauty and fashion are also in part with their desire for social acceptance and success. Women try to meet an unreasonable weight standard because fashion requires them to.
Women's self-image, their social and economic success and even their survival can still be determined largely by their beauty and by the men it allows them to attract, while for men these are based largely on how they act and what they accomplish. Looks simply are of secondary importance for male success.
Ladies, ladies please this is your king speaking I am the worlds most popular and most unavailable bachelor Unavailable because I love my being a playboy. I have more girlfriends than any man on the planet so obviously I have some sort of attraction to beautiful women.
Let me be candid with you most men DO NOT like extremely skinny women. Oh yes I have skinny girlfriends who somehow manage to hang on to a little bit of sexiness. Many girls begin to lose those beautiful asses when they lose too many pounds.
Let me go to the other extreme big sexy women. Let me tell you straight girls if a big girl is curvy and sexy the king is all over her. Let me tell you too that if all the girls in the world were skinny models your king would be ready to jump over a bridge. The fact is men like variety. Variety is the spice of life. While I make love with one to three dream girls per day they are not all model perfect, but they are all truly beautiful!
Elvis Preston King, the king of seduction, the worlds top playboy, the worlds number 1 ladies man, the bachelor king and the man every woman loves to love.
Have a nice day and may the best girl land the king, and not necessarily the skinniest girl either!

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