The alpha male personality is what is most attractive towomen. But this trait doesnt mean youshould go around being a jerk. In thisarticle, youll learn a simple way you can be more of an alpha male who isattractive to women.

Great looks and a bit more money might be nice, but when itcomes to impressing the chicks, they're surprisingly unimportant.

Alpha males might seem to have it all, but they weren't bornwith the sharp suits and the bevy of female admirers. In fact, most of themstarted out with nothing more than a good attitude.

If you want to emulate the alpha males or even become one your job and your waistline are simply not important. All that you reallyneed is some top class body language and a bit of determination.

And I'm here to help.

If you want to look like an alpha male, the first thing youneed to do is learn to stand like one. Nervous men stuff their hands in theirpockets and hunch in darkened corners; alpha males stand up straight with theirarms at their sides. Pull your shoulders back and stand proud.

Move into the center of the room. This will make you morenoticeable, and will also give the impression that you're confident andsociable.

Think about what you're doing with your hands. You want toseem calm and confident, so don't fidget or jiggle. Slower, steadier movementssuggest a more relaxed and attractive demeanor.

Don't fold your arms or cross your legs. These habitseffectively shut you off from the person you're talking to and make you appeardefensive and unwelcoming. Alpha males adopt a friendly, expansive posture,standing with their arms hanging loosely by their sides, or leaning casuallyagainst a fireplace or a chair.

If you're at your most nervous when talking to girls, youneed to learn to hide it. Anxiety is not attractive to a chick acting asthough you both deserve and appreciate her attention is the only way most mencan hope to get it.

When you're talking to a girl, hold her gaze. Don't becaught glancing nervously around you or staring at something or someone behind her. Maintain steady eye contact and listen to what she's saying.

Put her at ease by smiling and asking the sort of open endedquestions which get her talking about what she enjoys. Her stunning dress,favorite vacation destinations or the special occasion you're both celebratingare all ideal topics. Focusing on the things which bring her pleasure willencourage her to associate happy feelings with being close to you.

If you're still on edge, consciously ask yourself if yourmuscles feel tight. Simply thinking the word relax will help them loosen off.Similarly, make a mental effort to slow your breathing down to a calm andsteady pace. Getting your body to act confident will help you to actually feelit.

And that's the best thing about learning alpha male bodylanguage. Yes, it gets you noticed by the right people and for the rightreasons, but it also makes you feel better about yourself. Stand tall and meeta girl's gaze and soon you won't just be playing the alpha male, you will haveactually become one.

Calm, confident and self assured, you'll be the sort of manbosses give promotions to, airlines grant free upgrades for, and gorgeous womenreally do go out of their way to meet.

Attracting Women Tips- How You Can Be More Attractive To Women
Attracting Women Tips- How You Can Be More Attractive To Women
Attracting Women Tips- How You Can Be More Attractive To Women

Attracting Women Tips- How You Can Be More Attractive To Women

The alpha male personality is what is most attractive towomen. But this trait doesnt mean youshould go around being a jerk. In thisarticle, youll learn a simple way you can be more of an alpha male who isattractive to women.

Great looks and a bit more money might be nice, but when itcomes to impressing the chicks, they're surprisingly unimportant.

Alpha males might seem to have it all, but they weren't bornwith the sharp suits and the bevy of female admirers. In fact, most of themstarted out with nothing more than a good attitude.

If you want to emulate the alpha males or even become one your job and your waistline are simply not important. All that you reallyneed is some top class body language and a bit of determination.

And I'm here to help.

If you want to look like an alpha male, the first thing youneed to do is learn to stand like one. Nervous men stuff their hands in theirpockets and hunch in darkened corners; alpha males stand up straight with theirarms at their sides. Pull your shoulders back and stand proud.

Move into the center of the room. This will make you morenoticeable, and will also give the impression that you're confident andsociable.

Think about what you're doing with your hands. You want toseem calm and confident, so don't fidget or jiggle. Slower, steadier movementssuggest a more relaxed and attractive demeanor.

Don't fold your arms or cross your legs. These habitseffectively shut you off from the person you're talking to and make you appeardefensive and unwelcoming. Alpha males adopt a friendly, expansive posture,standing with their arms hanging loosely by their sides, or leaning casuallyagainst a fireplace or a chair.

If you're at your most nervous when talking to girls, youneed to learn to hide it. Anxiety is not attractive to a chick acting asthough you both deserve and appreciate her attention is the only way most mencan hope to get it.

When you're talking to a girl, hold her gaze. Don't becaught glancing nervously around you or staring at something or someone behind her. Maintain steady eye contact and listen to what she's saying.

Put her at ease by smiling and asking the sort of open endedquestions which get her talking about what she enjoys. Her stunning dress,favorite vacation destinations or the special occasion you're both celebratingare all ideal topics. Focusing on the things which bring her pleasure willencourage her to associate happy feelings with being close to you.

If you're still on edge, consciously ask yourself if yourmuscles feel tight. Simply thinking the word relax will help them loosen off.Similarly, make a mental effort to slow your breathing down to a calm andsteady pace. Getting your body to act confident will help you to actually feelit.

And that's the best thing about learning alpha male bodylanguage. Yes, it gets you noticed by the right people and for the rightreasons, but it also makes you feel better about yourself. Stand tall and meeta girl's gaze and soon you won't just be playing the alpha male, you will haveactually become one.

Calm, confident and self assured, you'll be the sort of manbosses give promotions to, airlines grant free upgrades for, and gorgeous womenreally do go out of their way to meet.

Attracting Women Tips- How You Can Be More Attractive To Women
Attracting Women Tips- How You Can Be More Attractive To Women
Attracting Women Tips- How You Can Be More Attractive To Women

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