Yes, it may be normal for first one or two months provided this spotting occurs cyclically when regular flow is expected. This is called ‘’implantation bleeding’’. Otherwise it...

Yes, it may be normal for first one or two months provided this spotting occurs cyclically when regular flow is expected. This is called ‘’implantation bleeding’’. Otherwise it is of concern when the bleeding/spotting is—

  • Irregular, occurs at any time and does not corroborate with the time of expected cycle.
  • Heavy, requires more than three pads in 24 hours or soakage of one pad within two hours
  • Dark colored or with offensive smell
  • Coupled with pain abdomen
  • Associated with passage of clots or fleshy mass

What Are the Different Causes of Bleeding per Vagina in Early Months of Pregnancy?

Apart from implantation bleeding as described above, any amount of bleeding in early trimester is abnormal. Causes may be related to your pregnancy or not related to it.

Pregnancy related causes of bleeding are abortion, Hydatidiform mole or a disturbed ectopic pregnancy.

Bleeding not related with pregnancy may be due to any preexisting condition like polyp or erosion of cervix, ruptured varicose vein and rarely carcinoma cervix.

However the most common cause of bleeding is abortion which contributes 95% of all bleeding cases in early months of pregnancy.

What Are the Causes of Abortion?

50% of the early pregnancy [

Late abortions [>12 weeks] are usually due to structural abnormalities of your birth canal. It can be anomalies of uterus or incompetent cervix unable to hold the growing fetus inside.

What Are the Basic Steps to Follow, If You Experiences Bleeding per Vagina in Early Months?

Step 1: Consider this as an abnormal condition. Assess your bleeding pattern and amount by observing your changed pad. Check whether you have along with it fever, pain abdomen or offensive vaginal discharge. Presence of these three symptoms could make the scenario complicated. Please consult urgently.

Step 2: A vaginal examination by your doctor is the next step. It is of immense importance. If the cervical openings is closed it may be a case of threatened abortion. It means the fetus is inside but there is a fair chance of continuation of pregnancy. But if the cervix is already open, it signifies a bad outcome. Either you have passed a part of the conceptus or you will pass. This pregnancy is no longer viable. This is called incomplete abortion or inevitable abortion. A vaginal examination can also rule out any polyp or erosion as a cause of bleeding.

Step 3: A transvaginal ultrasonography finally confirms the diagnosis. It confirms the viability of your pregnancy. It can also diagnose whether you are having an ectopic gestation or Hydatidiform mole manifested as bleeding per-vagina.

What Are the Basic Managements of Threatened Abortion?

Rest and reassurance are the two basic steps. Drugs are of little help. Natural progesterone and HCG injections though widely prescribed, have no proven value on the outcome of pregnancy.

A follow up USG is mandatory to see whether it turns to inevitable abortion or missed abortion.

What Is the Fate of My Pregnancy When USG Shows a Nonviable Fetus?

A nonviable fetus means where no fetus or no fetal heart bit is found inside the sac by USG. A repeat USG after 7 days is often advised to confirm the diagnosis provided you are stable and have spotting only. If repeat USG confirm the same or in the meantime you have bled profusely, this pregnancy needs termination.

Can This Early Pregnancy Bleeding Endanger My Life?

Yes, rarely if bleeding is abruptly profuse or when bleeding is due to ectopic pregnancy or Hydatidiform mole. In ectopic pregnancy, the fetus grows inside the fallopian tube instead of uterus .This small tube which later ruptures,can cause life-threatening intra-abdominal bleeding. Hydatidiform mole is an abnormal pregnancy where fetal tissue is changed into grape like vesicles. This condition presents as profuse bleeding per vagina along with passage of grape-like vesicles.

For more information please visit

Bleeding in Early Pregnancy - Assess Yourself
Bleeding in Early Pregnancy - Assess Yourself
Bleeding in Early Pregnancy - Assess Yourself

Bleeding in Early Pregnancy - Assess Yourself

Yes, it may be normal for first one or two months provided this spotting occurs cyclically when regular flow is expected. This is called ‘’implantation bleeding’’. Otherwise it...

Yes, it may be normal for first one or two months provided this spotting occurs cyclically when regular flow is expected. This is called ‘’implantation bleeding’’. Otherwise it is of concern when the bleeding/spotting is—

  • Irregular, occurs at any time and does not corroborate with the time of expected cycle.
  • Heavy, requires more than three pads in 24 hours or soakage of one pad within two hours
  • Dark colored or with offensive smell
  • Coupled with pain abdomen
  • Associated with passage of clots or fleshy mass

What Are the Different Causes of Bleeding per Vagina in Early Months of Pregnancy?

Apart from implantation bleeding as described above, any amount of bleeding in early trimester is abnormal. Causes may be related to your pregnancy or not related to it.

Pregnancy related causes of bleeding are abortion, Hydatidiform mole or a disturbed ectopic pregnancy.

Bleeding not related with pregnancy may be due to any preexisting condition like polyp or erosion of cervix, ruptured varicose vein and rarely carcinoma cervix.

However the most common cause of bleeding is abortion which contributes 95% of all bleeding cases in early months of pregnancy.

What Are the Causes of Abortion?

50% of the early pregnancy [

Late abortions [>12 weeks] are usually due to structural abnormalities of your birth canal. It can be anomalies of uterus or incompetent cervix unable to hold the growing fetus inside.

What Are the Basic Steps to Follow, If You Experiences Bleeding per Vagina in Early Months?

Step 1: Consider this as an abnormal condition. Assess your bleeding pattern and amount by observing your changed pad. Check whether you have along with it fever, pain abdomen or offensive vaginal discharge. Presence of these three symptoms could make the scenario complicated. Please consult urgently.

Step 2: A vaginal examination by your doctor is the next step. It is of immense importance. If the cervical openings is closed it may be a case of threatened abortion. It means the fetus is inside but there is a fair chance of continuation of pregnancy. But if the cervix is already open, it signifies a bad outcome. Either you have passed a part of the conceptus or you will pass. This pregnancy is no longer viable. This is called incomplete abortion or inevitable abortion. A vaginal examination can also rule out any polyp or erosion as a cause of bleeding.

Step 3: A transvaginal ultrasonography finally confirms the diagnosis. It confirms the viability of your pregnancy. It can also diagnose whether you are having an ectopic gestation or Hydatidiform mole manifested as bleeding per-vagina.

What Are the Basic Managements of Threatened Abortion?

Rest and reassurance are the two basic steps. Drugs are of little help. Natural progesterone and HCG injections though widely prescribed, have no proven value on the outcome of pregnancy.

A follow up USG is mandatory to see whether it turns to inevitable abortion or missed abortion.

What Is the Fate of My Pregnancy When USG Shows a Nonviable Fetus?

A nonviable fetus means where no fetus or no fetal heart bit is found inside the sac by USG. A repeat USG after 7 days is often advised to confirm the diagnosis provided you are stable and have spotting only. If repeat USG confirm the same or in the meantime you have bled profusely, this pregnancy needs termination.

Can This Early Pregnancy Bleeding Endanger My Life?

Yes, rarely if bleeding is abruptly profuse or when bleeding is due to ectopic pregnancy or Hydatidiform mole. In ectopic pregnancy, the fetus grows inside the fallopian tube instead of uterus .This small tube which later ruptures,can cause life-threatening intra-abdominal bleeding. Hydatidiform mole is an abnormal pregnancy where fetal tissue is changed into grape like vesicles. This condition presents as profuse bleeding per vagina along with passage of grape-like vesicles.

For more information please visit

Bleeding in Early Pregnancy - Assess Yourself
Bleeding in Early Pregnancy - Assess Yourself
Bleeding in Early Pregnancy - Assess Yourself

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