When you are preparing for a pregnancy, it involves a lot of work. For a lot of women it does not happen as fast as they would like.
Do not try to do anything that will reduce your chances of getting pregnant. There are only a few days each month when you have a chance to conceive. You need to have some understanding of the average time it takes most women to get pregnant.
Nailing down your most fertile days
Infertile days are days within your monthly cycle when you cannot get pregnant. Fertile days are when there is a chance for conception. During your fertile days there is a peak day which is the most fertile. Having intercourse during your fertile time and making sure you hit your peak day will increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Trying to get pregnant before your ovulation cycle
Sperm stays in your uterus and fallopian tubes for about three days. The life of your egg is about half a day to one day. So you need to have sex with your husband before your ovulation cycle, during it and after to guarantee fertilization when the egg does come in. So, if you have a 28-day cycle, you should have intercourse a few times throughout the week after your period is over. Also if you have an ovulation prediction kit, as soon as you see the results on it, you need to have sex that day and the next few days to help your chances of getting pregnant.
Tips to get pregnant during intercourse
Many doctors recommend that after you have sex, before bedtime, you need to lay on your back and this will help the sperm connect with the egg. It is the best position to be in after you have sex and you should lay that way for while. Also don't use any gels or lubricants. This will not help the sperm along.
Now please listen closely and give me two minutes of your time. Pregnancy Miracle is an online guide for women who are having trouble to conceive. You will find a lot of information on your body type, figuring out your exact ovulation date. This guide will show you the common mistakes women make during this crucial time. You will also read testimonials from hundreds of women who have use this resource to get pregnant.
It also has nutrition and diet information to help you get pregnant quick.
Article Tags: Online Guide, Getting Pregnant, Fertile Days
nice article!