Menopause and sexuality have strange relationship; in some women arrival of menopause increase their sexuality while in most it reduces it. Some women start enjoying sex more after menopause as they feel free from fear of getting pregnant but most of the women get disappointed towards sex during pre-menopausal and post-menopausal phase.

Menopause and sexuality have strange relationship; in some women arrival of menopause increase their sexuality while in most it reduces it considerably. Some women start enjoying sex more after menopause as they feel free from fear of getting pregnant but most of the women get disenchanted towards sex during pre-menopausal and post-menopausal phase. Menopause brings certain changes in women body which reduces her pleasure and may even cause discomfort during or after sex. Decreased secretion of estrogen and testosterone hormone is primarily responsible for these changes, estrogen and progesterone balance is vital for healthy reproductive system and organs in womens body. Lack of estrogen reduce tissue health and their healing process to cause problems like vaginal dryness, thin tissue lining of vaginal passage, night sweats, hot flashes etc while lack of testosterone make them less enthusiastic and eager for sex. In such women menopause reduce sexuality considerably and they do not enjoy or want sex anymore.

The changes which arrive with menopause and reduce sexuality are not medical conditions which need treatment. If a woman is happy and content with reduced frequency of sex, lesser erotic fantasies and sexuality she can remain like that without any problem. But if she is unhappy or irritated then it certainly needs treatment to reinstate healthy balance between menopause and sexuality.

The changes brought in by menopause are not reversible, adjusting according to body's capacity and circumstances is the key in handling menopause and sexuality simultaneously. Taking proper diet particularly rich in estrogen is necessary, regular exercises which improve blood flow and burn calories shall also be a part of daily routine. Best exercises of menopausal women are walking, jogging, breathing exercises and swimming, along with any of these exercises Yoga poses and exercises are great to maintain healthy musculoskeletal system. Take a good care of yourself; do not forget to stand in front of the mirror to check your figure and shape of the body. Along with exercises and proper diet an eye over your shape and fitness gives you an idea what to wear and what to avoid and when is the time to hit parlor or salon, once you know that you are looking attractive and charming it will reignite your desire for sex. This will help you in handling ill-effects of menopause and maintain your sexuality conveniently.

Even if you do not enjoy intercourse do not miss a chance to enjoy intimate moments with your partner. Diet and exercises are not going to bring in positive results overnight, these will take sometime but keep yourself involved with sexual activities in whichever way you can. Getting excited and gaining satisfaction without intercourse will not only keep you content and happy but will also improve health of genital organs by improving blood flow. These practices too help in countering ill-effects of menopause and maintain your sexuality.

Take proper care of your genital organs; genital organs need more care during and after menopause than before. Reduced blood flow, imbalanced hormonal secretion and other health related issues can raise many problems like infections, allergies, wounds and irritations which are depressing and harmful to overall health. Healthy and trouble-free genital organs give you confidence and charge to enjoy sexual activities. The bottom line is that if a woman wishes then she can handle menopause and her sexuality very well without much of a problem.

How Menopause Affects Sexuality In Women?
How Menopause Affects Sexuality In Women?
How Menopause Affects Sexuality In Women?

How Menopause Affects Sexuality In Women?

Menopause and sexuality have strange relationship; in some women arrival of menopause increase their sexuality while in most it reduces it. Some women start enjoying sex more after menopause as they feel free from fear of getting pregnant but most of the women get disappointed towards sex during pre-menopausal and post-menopausal phase.

Menopause and sexuality have strange relationship; in some women arrival of menopause increase their sexuality while in most it reduces it considerably. Some women start enjoying sex more after menopause as they feel free from fear of getting pregnant but most of the women get disenchanted towards sex during pre-menopausal and post-menopausal phase. Menopause brings certain changes in women body which reduces her pleasure and may even cause discomfort during or after sex. Decreased secretion of estrogen and testosterone hormone is primarily responsible for these changes, estrogen and progesterone balance is vital for healthy reproductive system and organs in womens body. Lack of estrogen reduce tissue health and their healing process to cause problems like vaginal dryness, thin tissue lining of vaginal passage, night sweats, hot flashes etc while lack of testosterone make them less enthusiastic and eager for sex. In such women menopause reduce sexuality considerably and they do not enjoy or want sex anymore.

The changes which arrive with menopause and reduce sexuality are not medical conditions which need treatment. If a woman is happy and content with reduced frequency of sex, lesser erotic fantasies and sexuality she can remain like that without any problem. But if she is unhappy or irritated then it certainly needs treatment to reinstate healthy balance between menopause and sexuality.

The changes brought in by menopause are not reversible, adjusting according to body's capacity and circumstances is the key in handling menopause and sexuality simultaneously. Taking proper diet particularly rich in estrogen is necessary, regular exercises which improve blood flow and burn calories shall also be a part of daily routine. Best exercises of menopausal women are walking, jogging, breathing exercises and swimming, along with any of these exercises Yoga poses and exercises are great to maintain healthy musculoskeletal system. Take a good care of yourself; do not forget to stand in front of the mirror to check your figure and shape of the body. Along with exercises and proper diet an eye over your shape and fitness gives you an idea what to wear and what to avoid and when is the time to hit parlor or salon, once you know that you are looking attractive and charming it will reignite your desire for sex. This will help you in handling ill-effects of menopause and maintain your sexuality conveniently.

Even if you do not enjoy intercourse do not miss a chance to enjoy intimate moments with your partner. Diet and exercises are not going to bring in positive results overnight, these will take sometime but keep yourself involved with sexual activities in whichever way you can. Getting excited and gaining satisfaction without intercourse will not only keep you content and happy but will also improve health of genital organs by improving blood flow. These practices too help in countering ill-effects of menopause and maintain your sexuality.

Take proper care of your genital organs; genital organs need more care during and after menopause than before. Reduced blood flow, imbalanced hormonal secretion and other health related issues can raise many problems like infections, allergies, wounds and irritations which are depressing and harmful to overall health. Healthy and trouble-free genital organs give you confidence and charge to enjoy sexual activities. The bottom line is that if a woman wishes then she can handle menopause and her sexuality very well without much of a problem.

How Menopause Affects Sexuality In Women?
How Menopause Affects Sexuality In Women?
How Menopause Affects Sexuality In Women?

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